St. Andrew’s Christian Church

St. Andrew’s Christian Church, joined by New Beginning Church, in Rockland hosted The Big Give for the first this year.

We offered a free BBQ, coffee, soft drinks, water. In addition, any of the items that have been donated by the church family and community members were given out freely those who came. New Beginnings offered free haircuts and a beautician.

There were over 20 church volunteers (from a church whose attendance is just over 30 people) who came on Thursday and Friday to receive items and then on Saturday to help set up and run the Big Give. A spirit of camaraderie was present and all seemed to be happy to give of their time for such a worthy cause.

Approximately 20 New Testaments and Psalms were given away, about 225 hot dogs were eaten and between 250-275 visitors on the church property.

We were able to pray for those who needed and asked for prayer, connect people who were looking for certain items, witness to a neighbour of the church, give tours of our sanctuary and greet many people showing God’s love. It was a BIG success!

First Baptist Church Arnprior

The Big Give 2018

Yes the LORD blessed over the top on June 2nd with amazing weather and testimonies of how HE touched peoples hearts.  May we continue to give HIM the Glory for all HE has done.

The Big Give 2018 Quebec

What a GREAT day!!!

Like many of you, I’m feeling pretty exhausted and sun burnt…. But I just wanted to quickly send you some pictures and let you know that today went incredibly! For many of the churches, this was the first year doing The Big Give and it was a great success. Great job everyone, on a job well done!! The feeling of driving up to each event today filled my heart with so much joy. I loved being a part of this!



St. Stephen’s Anglican Ottawa

The Big Give 2018

We had a great BIG GIVE event: all breakfast food was consumed, and virtually all BIG GIVE clothing, household and especially children’s toys – thank you, Woodvale – donations were given away. We had only a few boxes of men’s and women’s clothing left, and they were sorted and packed in suitcases for transport and delivery to Iqaluit when a group of our teens go for a return visit this summer. We had our busiest BIG GIVE event to date. Thank you for all your support.

St. John’s Lutheran Church Arnprior

The Big Give 2018

St. John’s Lutheran cleaned up the ditches along Baskin Drive and Division Street.

You would not think picking up garbage would be very much fun, but we did have a great time and enjoyed a lot of laughs. A number of vehicles drove past honking their horn in support of our efforts………Well, we assume that was the reason!! LOL

Hard to believe there would be so much litter in our ditches. We filled the back of my truck with garbage and recycle.

River Stone Christian Fellowship Arnprior

The Big Give 2018

What a glorious day it was. Our church gave away in excess of 250 ice cream cones and cups. We also made over 200 balloon animals and painted dozens and dozens of legs, arms and faces. I personally got the Lion of Judah and the Dove of Peace painted on my arms. Thanks to the nearly 30 volunteers that helped us to make this an exceptionally, awesomely successful day.

Gateway Church Arnprior

The Big Give 2018

At Gateway Church we doubled our crowd from last year. We gave away approximately 478 hotdogs and 150 loot bags and balloons. We really came together as a church family with 25 volunteers. It was so much fun showering Arnprior with God’s love.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Arnprior

The Big Give 2018

Again this year we served breakfast of sausages, scrambled eggs, toast, jam, tea, coffee and juice. We prepared for 200 and served in the area of 225 to 240. We found we had some left over bacon from a previous breakfast in the freezer and reheated it to add to our menu. When the sausages and bacon ran out, people said they did not care as long as they had something to eat. We had 1 dozen eggs and a few loaves of bread left at the end of the meal, but not much else. It was steady from the time we opened at 8:00 am until we finished at 10:00 am. There were a few people came in between 10:30 and 11:00 but as we had cleaned up all we had we directed them to Grace St. Andrew’s United church for coffee and muffins or The Gateway Church for hot dogs.

We had a great team working on this breakfast and we enjoyed working together and meeting with our community. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful day, beautiful weather and not too hot, and many people to enjoy our meal. We look forward to doing this again next year.

Lindsay Ontario Big Give 2018

What a great day! So happy to be part of The Big Give. We served over 500 hotdogs, 240 cups of coffee, 16 dozen donuts and muffins, plus over 500 beverage bottles (peach juice, OJ, AJ, Water).

We gave away a tonne of stuff too!

Kathy – thanks for starting this movement. We made so many connections today with people in our community. We were blessed by a local Tim Hortons owner who donated ALL the food and beverages! What other Big Give was giving away free Timmy’s!

Churches: Church of the North, Calvary Fairview Church, Jennings Creek Church, Salvation Army

Looking forward to #biggive19!